Our talks
Every Sunday we upload the talk from our Bournemouth morning meeting so you can watch or listen back - or share them with your friends and family. You can also also find us on Apple Podcasts.
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Find a series
- (All Talks) 245
- Abiding: John 15 8
- Awkward Family Christmas 3
- Baptism 1
- Can Anything Good Come from Christianity? 1
- Christmas 10
- Church On Mission 8
- Citygate Youth 1
- Community 4
- Counter-Cultural Jesus 10
- Discipleship 8
- Drift 3
- Easter 3
- Encountering Jesus 8
- Exploring Faith? 3
- Faith in the Fire 7
- For Times Like This 5
- Galatians 12
- Gift Weeks & Giving 1
- God is Faithful 1
- Good News 7
- Guest Speakers & Stand Alone Talks 19
- His Name Is... 3
- Holy Spirit 6
- Home With Us 4
- How to Take Care of Your Heart 6
- Isaiah 61 10
- Just Jesus 13
- King & Kingdom 12
- Kingdom People 6
- Kingdom Power 8
- Kingdom Priorities 7
- Many Nations One Family 3
- Ordinary People Extraordinary God 4
- Parables 6
- Reforming Church 9
- Restoring Church 1
- Stewardship 11
- The Kingdom of God 25
- Time to Detox 4
- To Us a Child is Born 2
- Vision & Values 12
- What Does it Mean to be a Disciple? 3
- What is Jesus Doing Now? 5
- Why Should I Care...? 8
- Youth 1
Disciples - Part 2
Jesus told his first followers: "Go and make disciples of all nations." It's a clear and concise statement calling them to make him known to others.
Disciples - Part 1
Disciples take personal responsibility, under their teacher’s instruction, for their own growth and for doing life together as a community of disciples.
Can Anything Good Come from Christianity?
An invitation to the sceptical, searching and hurting to explore the claims of Christianity, and a fantastic talk for anyone who might be interested in finding out more about the Christian faith.
The Bible’s story can be described in many ways; one of which is as the story of God creating a people for himself. From Adam & Eve, through Abraham, Exodus and the gospels to the picture of Revelation 21:3: “They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.”
Vision Sunday - Church Without Walls
Russ revisits our theme for 2020 - ‘Blessed to Bless’ - and encourages us to continue to be a blessing as we 're-form' church by drawing on Zechariah's phrase of being a church without walls.
God is Faithful
The Bible frequently encourages us to remember that God is faithful. This unshakable truth serves as an anchor for faith through the stormy seas of life.
Restoring Church
Guy Miller reminds us that the Covid 19 crisis was a moment to wake the church to her purpose and mission.
Citygate Youth Takeover
Citygate Youth lead us in some awesome worship, give us an insight into what they get up to during their youth life group, and bring us a talk on the Kingdom of God.
Resurrection Power
We hear about Jesus' encounters with Mary Magdalene and Thomas after his resurrection, and are reminded that we can encounter and experience Jesus’ resurrection power for ourselves today.
Living Water
In this talk we explore Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well - and how Jesus is our living water.
Our vision
Our vision is to see lives transformed, every day, across the bay. We are transformed by His grace, to bring his kingdom transformation to the lives and the culture around us.
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