Safeguarding is a priority here
Citygate Church regards safeguarding and good working practice as a priority. In the interests of the safety and wellbeing of all children, young people and vulnerable adults, we operate a formal Safeguarding policy.
The church is committed to ensuring that everyone working with children, young people or vulnerable adults:
Is a member of the church
Has a reference obtained by the Safeguarding Lead
Has undergone a Disclosure and Barring Service check
Is adequately trained and supervised
Understands and follows the Citygate Church Safeguarding policy
Citygate believes that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, but as part of this church’s commitment to children, young people and vulnerable adults, it has appointed the Safeguarding leadership team below.
Our Safeguarding Team
Tim Francis
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Stacy Gilchrist
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Youth Lead
Ellie Southey
Safer Recruitment Administrator
Louise Edwards
Safer Recruitment Support
Our Safeguarding Statement
Citygate Church:
recognises that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
is committed to supporting parents and families
recognises the unique and individual worth of each child
is committed to nurturing, protecting and safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults
exercises care in the appointment of all those working with children, young people and vulnerable adults in the church, working to government guidance and principles
is committed to following statutory and specialist guidelines in working with children, young people, and vulnerable adults
seeks to support all those affected by abuse
is committed to supporting, training and resourcing those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults and to providing regular supervision
is committed to the management and supervision of known offenders in the church
will review its Safeguarding policy biennially
If you have any questions or would like to read our Safeguarding policy please contact
How to report a safeguarding concern
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. If you notice signs of abuse or have concerns on the wellbeing of others, don't delay, please fill in this disclosure form. This form is sent to the Safeguarding Team who will then assess the appropriate next course of action. The team aims to respond back within three working days.