Why should I serve?

God has given everything in His son Jesus and he has also given us gifts as His children. One of the ways that we honour and worship Him is to use these gifts in service to others. It’s God’s purpose for our lives, and is called our 'ministry’ or ‘service’.

Man handing out worship packs to children.
Man with guitar smiling at camera.
Man and woman serving refreshments after Sunday service.

Where can I serve?

Here at Citygate, there are many ministries and teams that could help you grow spiritually, while applying and developing your own gifts and talents alongside others. It’s also a great way to make new friends! Some serving opportunities require you to be a member and committed to Citygate Church. Others are open to non-members or those new to the Citygate family.

Whatever your availability and wherever you are in your journey with us, we can help you find somewhere to serve that suits you! Fill in our serving form and someone will be in touch to chat things through!

2 members of worship team outside Citygate.
Man editing video stream from Sunday service.

Sunday meetings

  • Communion

    Preparing communion on the first Sunday of each month.

  • Meeting Manager

    Supervising the practical aspects that ensure Sunday’s run smoothly.

  • Prayer Team

    Praying and supporting those who have responded after our Sunday meetings.

  • Refreshments

    Serving tea, coffees and biscuits before and after a Sunday meeting.

  • SUPA

    Setting Up and Putting Away for our Sunday meetings.

  • Welcome

    Welcoming our Sunday guests and helping them get connected to Citygate.

  • Welcome/Rooted Lunches

    Getting to know and serving those new to Citygate Church.

Worship and Production

  • Audio Production

    Providing quality audio for our Sunday meetings, both online and onsite.

  • Photography and Social Media

    Social media, design, photography and copywriting for Sundays and events.

  • Video Production

    Vision mixing and operating cameras for our online livestream.

  • Visuals

    Helping us worship and engage with the talk by projecting words and slides.

  • Worship Team

    Helping us praise and worship God through music.

Kids, Youth and Students

  • Kids Check-in

    Running the check-in system for our kids work.

  • Kids Leaders

    Leading and supporting our kids teams to teach God’s word to our little ones.

  • Kids Supervisor

    Ensuring kids work runs without a hitch and upholding our safeguarding principles.

  • Little Acorns

    Helping set-up and run our weekly parent and toddler group.

  • Students

    Helping our Bournemouth students find their place and grow at Citygate.

  • Youth

    Helping set up and lead our youth hangouts and life group.

Social action

  • Christmas Hamper Appeal

    Helping to deliver hampers to local families in crisis at Christmas time.

  • Community Hub

    Serving those visiting our Community Hub, by providing emergency food and support.

  • Transform

    Helping support those recovering from addiction.

  • Truth Be Told

    Helping out at our weekly inter-generational storytelling group.

Other places to serve

  • Alpha

    Helping run and lead discussions during our regular Alpha and other courses.

  • Building Maintenance

    Helping our venue manager keep our buildings in tip top condition.

  • Catering

    Cooking and serving delicious food at various Citygate events.

  • Reception and Admin

    Giving a great first impression to those who visit or get in touch with Citygate.

  • Venue

    Helping our venues teams set up and cater for external events.

  • New here?

    Welcome to Citygate! We recognise that we’re all at different stages of our journey, and the next step looks different for everyone. So we invite you to journey with us at your own pace.

  • Social action

    Jesus mandate was to help the poor, heal the sick and set the oppressed free. We want to continue Jesus' mission, giving hope to all, no matter their circumstance!

  • Life Groups

    We want everyone who comes to our church to find friendship and grow in their love of God and His people. So we encourage every person who’s part of Citygate to join one of our Life Groups!