Three young women excitedly chatting with each other.
Two younger men and an older man smiling at the camera.
Three young women and an older woman on a hike, dressed in outdoors clothes and posing for a group photograph.

DNA Groups

We’re called to the lifelong journey of following Jesus and to helping other people onto that journey too.

What are DNA Groups?

DNA groups are small, bible based, single-sex groups who meet regularly to encourage each other to grow as disciples of Jesus and as disciple-making disciples. The term ‘DNA’ refers to the groups’ focus on the core aspects of life as a follower of Jesus, as well as their ability to be replicated and multiplied.

DNA groups are mainly formed from within Life Groups, which helps to provide support and accountability.

6 principles of DNA Groups

  • Growth

    When we think of church, we should imagine not only a group of people who have a belief, but a people on the move because they’re following Jesus and learning to become more like him. DNA groups are designed to help us keep moving forward on that journey.

  • Obedience

    We learn to follow Jesus by hearing him in his Word, by his Spirit and through his Body; and then by doing whatever he tells us. DNA groups should have at their core Word, Spirit and Body with the goal not only of learning but of obeying all that Jesus showed us and commanded us.

  • Peer to peer

    Though each group has a facilitator, none of this requires experts to run it because the groups are conversation-based, not teaching - or material - based. The sessions work best when group members ask each other good questions that align with our culture - authentic, honouring, generous and courageous.

  • Accountability

    Both parts of this statement are true: to follow Jesus we need each other and we need to accept responsibility for our own growth. We all need relationships where we have healthy accountability and DNA groups provide a context for intentionally helping one another to follow and obey Jesus.

  • For All

    DNA groups are for anyone and everyone. Jesus’ call to “Go and make disciples” applies to those who are not yet following him and to those who are already following him. So we will, of course, use the DNA material with disciples, but it should also be suitable for someone who is not yet following Jesus but is wanting to engage in finding out - these are not Christians-only groups.

  • Multiplication

    Because they have a simple structure and are conversation-based, DNA groups are easily replicable. They will multiply as new people are incorporated and as unsaved friends join in. Groups will not be more than 4 people, so beyond that number requires a new group to be formed.

How to use our DNA Group sessions

Our DNA Group sessions are grouped into themes. Each 'theme' fits into a term (meeting fortnightly). Each group of sessions consists of a starter question and a number of core sessions. Every week includes prayer for one another and for one another’s mission.

Week 1

The starter question is designed to help people get to know each other better and develop some initial trust.

An example of a starter question might be, “Ask each other: “What is your life story?””.

You might then ask some more questions and pray with each other.

Four young women sat together on the beach.

All other weeks

Section A: Accountability & how are you doing? (15 minutes)

Think back to the ‘Action and Share’ section you went through last session. How did you get on this week with putting into practice what you said last week? Who did you share with?

What has brought you joy and satisfaction recently? What has been challenging you recently?

If you finish a theme and there is no theme to continue onto please keep catching up with your group using this Section A.

Section B: What is God saying through his Word (40 minutes)

Read the Bible passage and use these questions as conversation starters:

  • What are the key truths about a) God, b) you, c) the life God desires for us?

  • What questions do you have about this passage?

Section C: Action and share (10 minutes)

Through this passage, what is God saying you should do / change / stop?…“Therefore I will ____”

Think together on how and with whom you could share what you've learned this week.

What’s the role of a DNA Group facilitator?

Each group has a facilitator, whose role is primarily to ask good questions (and encourage others to ask good questions), not to bring teaching. The facilitator can either be the same person for the duration of the group, or each member of the group can take on that role for a time.

Key tasks for the facilitator:

  • Pull the group together, arrange meetings, remind people to review actions from last time and to read the Bible passage before meeting.

  • Keep the group focused, on-task.

  • Help to hone the action statements (“Therefore I will ____”), ensuring they are realistic and relevant.

  • Record the above to be able to follow up next time.

  • Keep everyone focussed on Jesus.

Chat to us about DNA groups

We'd love to chat with you about anything DNA. Please also fill in the form below if you're starting a new DNA group, as we'd like to take some time to equip you as we make disciples.

DNA Group FAQs

  • DNA groups work best when they are made up of friends. Which means you can be in a DNA group with anyone who is happy to be in one with you! However, they must be single-sex groups and adults should not be in groups with anyone under the age of 18. If you have any questions about this, please send a message using the form above.

  • DNA groups can be made up of 2, 3 or 4 people. The reasons for restricting the groups to a maximum of 4 are to keep them distinct from Life Groups which are a medium-size group. Also because it will be easier with that number of people for conversations to stay focussed and to achieve a good level of 'depth.'

  • To be meaningful DNA groups should continue for a significant period of time. You might try a DNA group and find that you don't really click with the others or can't meet at the agreed times - in which case it's absolutely fine to form or join another group. It may be logical for people to use the end of a 'Theme' as a review point.

  • There are a few scenarios where a DNA group may need to multiply; When someone being added to your group means there would be 5 people attending; When you have a friend who would like to form a DNA group with you and the best thing would be for you to meet with them, but not with the rest of your existing group; When your group has been struggling to connect and it makes more sense for the group to divide.

  • We certainly don’t want to dictate DNA groups in a controlling manner. However, the groups have been organised with specific questions and material for specific reasons and we'd encourage you to engage with that. If you want to meet up with other people but it doesn't align with the principles and material of our DNA groups, that is, of course, absolutely fine - it just won't be a DNA group.

  • One of the principles behind DNA groups is accountability. By which we mean a gentle, healthy sense that we need each other if we are going to grow as followers of Jesus. These are groups of friends, so that will be the essential feel in them. Accountability expresses a healthy responsibility for one another's wellbeing.

DNA Group sessions

The goal of our DNA Group sessions is not simply to provide a course for people to go through, but to promote self motivated discipleship where each person is engaged in, and taking ownership of their own walk with God. You can find at all our current and past themes and sessions below.

Find out more about Citygate

  • Two women, one with a buggy, chatting in a park.

    Our vision

    Our vision is to see lives transformed, every day, across the bay. We are transformed by His grace, to bring his kingdom transformation to the lives and the culture around us.

  • Three people laughing together during refreshments at Citygate Church Bournemouth.


    We’d love to welcome you to one of our Sundays, either ONSITE or LIVE ONLINE. We try to make them as friendly and accessible as possible!

  • A Citygate Church Life Group enjoying a picnic in Bournemouth Gardens.

    Life Groups

    We want everyone who comes to our church to find friendship and grow in their love of God and His people. So we encourage every person who’s part of Citygate to join one of our Life Groups!