
About this series

In some senses nothing has changed - the church is still the church, with the same values, the same vision and the same people. Yet, so much has changed - we are now onsite and online, people are still going through a historic event and church life will never be quite the same again. A series on the church is therefore very timely and will hopefully remind people of the unchangeable nature of the church as well as envisioning people for what has changed. We’re framing this series of Sunday talks around eight terms used in the New Testament to describe the church - people, family, community, temple, unity, body, disciples, witnesses. These are the words the New Testament uses to describe the Spirit-empowered people of God and these are key elements for how we want to build Citygate.

About this talk

Scripture: John 17:20-26

Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is reflected in various NT passages, such as Ephesians 4, where our unity in practice comes out of the fact that we are already united in Christ - unity is a fact before it is a feeling. The practical questions that then arise include: What does unity look like? How do we keep the unity of the Spirit? What do I do when I am wronged? How can I promote unity?

We also talk about multisite, as an expression of being one church, though in multiple locations - touching on multisite principles such as one leadership and evangelism and Life Groups happening locally while other things (training, Connect, prayer) happen centrally.

If you have any questions about this talk, want to find out more about Citygate Church, or want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, please fill in our online Connect form at citygate.church/connect.

Watch it here

Audio only

Talk summary

Questions for Life Groups

The questions below have been created for our Life Groups to facilitate discussion around this talk.

One Model

Remind yourselves of the model of unity we have by reading John 17:20-25.

One Enemy

Read 2 Corinthians 2:11.

Russ encourages us that we should understand what the enemy can throw at us and how he goes about it - we shouldn't be unaware of his schemes.

1. What schemes have you noticed the enemy using in your life (or those close to you) to stop you from pursuing God or stop you from maintaining the unity of the spirit and walking in faith?

2. Have you learned how to overcome these particular schemes? What have you found to be useful in standing up against the enemy? Be ready to share your experiences with the group.

Russ also encourages us that we need to understand who we are, and what we need to do in God, to maintain the unity of the spirit and walking in faith.

3. Share with one another your understandings of our identity as Christians, share some bible verses that speak of our identity in Christ.

Read Ephesians 4:3 & Romans 15:5

Russ reminds us that if we are not at peace with others in his family we need to sort this. Firstly we need to talk with our Father about it.

4. Ask yourself, do I have a right attitude towards others in his family or am I at odds with anyone, is the Holy Spirit nudging me to see that my attitude is not the same as Christs, do I need to confess & repent about any particular relationships or attitudes? If appropriate ask your group to help you and pray with you in this.

5. Russ reminded us to reconcile with others as might be necessary, is this something you need to do? Seek wisdom & discernment from the Holy Spirit in this and maybe from someone you trust.

One Mission

6. Our unity is our witness. Are there any ways you can grow in unity and love for one another as a group? How is the Holy Spirit guiding you individually to encourage unity within God's family?


Take time to pray through all you have discussed and shared, especially for anyone who is battling at the moment or struggling with unity. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with the power we need to reach Jesus' example of unity. Ask the Holy Spirit to give opportunities for those who don't know him yet to see the unity you have with God's family.



