About this series

In some senses nothing has changed - the church is still the church, with the same values, the same vision and the same people. Yet, so much has changed - we are now onsite and online, people are still going through a historic event and church life will never be quite the same again. A series on the church is therefore very timely and will hopefully remind people of the unchangeable nature of the church as well as envisioning people for what has changed.

We’re framing this series of Sunday talks around eight terms used in the New Testament to describe the church - people, family, community, temple, unity, body, disciples, witnesses. These are the words the New Testament uses to describe the Spirit-empowered people of God and these are key elements for how we want to build Citygate.

About this talk

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

The image of the body is not just an analogy; it’s a theological fact. We are not just like a body, we are his body. This means, of course, that though we are a diverse group of people, each playing our unique part, we are essentially a unity; which also touches on the things we looked at in our Many Nations, One Family mini- series. And also that we, the body, are carrying out his (the head’s) will in the earth, just as Jesus said that his food was to do the Father’s will (John 4:32, 34).

If you have any questions about this talk, want to find out more about Citygate Church, or want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, please fill in our online Connect form at citygate.church/connect.

Watch it here

Audio only


Disciples - Part 1

