Disciples - Part 1

About this series

In some senses nothing has changed - the church is still the church, with the same values, the same vision and the same people. Yet, so much has changed - we are now onsite and online, people are still going through a historic event and church life will never be quite the same again. A series on the church is therefore very timely and will hopefully remind people of the unchangeable nature of the church as well as envisioning people for what has changed.

We’re framing this series of Sunday talks around eight terms used in the New Testament to describe the church - people, family, community, temple, unity, body, disciples, witnesses. These are the words the New Testament uses to describe the Spirit-empowered people of God and these are key elements for how we want to build Citygate.

About this talk

Scripture: Acts 11:26

The term ‘disciple’ means follower, trainee, apprentice, someone in the process of learning to become more like their teacher. It is disciples that Jesus has called us to go and make - a quality of follower, not simply a believer or attender. Today, the usual term for a follower of Jesus is ‘Christian,’ but the original term ‘disciple’ has a far greater dynamism about it - bearing in mind that Acts 11:26 records the use of ‘Christian’ originally as a bit of a nickname, even a mickey-taking term, in wider society.

Disciples take personal responsibility, under their teacher’s instruction, for their own growth and for doing life together as a community of disciples. For each of us the question then becomes: How well am I pursuing Jesus? What do I need to do to become more like him?

If you have any questions about this talk, want to find out more about Citygate Church, or want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, please fill in our online Connect form at citygate.church/connect.

Watch it here

Audio only

Talk summary

Questions for Life Groups

The questions below have been created for our Life Groups to facilitate discussion around this talk.

Read again together Acts 11:19-26 & Hebrews 12:1

What description does Tim give for the term 'disciple'?

Tim taught us that being a disciple is both a position as well as a process.
Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you, as you hear Him in His
word, by His Spirit, through His body.

In His word

What is your next growth step in terms of the bible, how is the Holy Spirit challenging you about His word? How can you grow in this area to become more like Jesus? Some suggestions/points for discussion:

  • Do you have a regular time set aside to read the bible? If not maybe this is where you can grow? - What hinders you, what do you need to 'throw off' in order to prioritise reading the Bible? What action can you take that means you're more likely to be committed to this time? Share your struggles and battles with this, graciously help one another to take the next step.

  • If you have a regular time set aside for being in Gods word, do you need to go deeper? Maybe start a new reading plan, one that challenges you more & gets you out of your comfort zone or one that goes deeper in understanding a particular book or person in the bible. Share together in your group what you read or have read, and if you need further suggestions ask your group leader to email either Tim or Berni to see if we can support you or contact Keith Jones bookshop for their ideas.

  • Maybe you're already doing the above; is your challenge therefore to commit the truth you read to memory, or have scripture displayed visually so as to remind you more often? How can you get scripture in your home/car/workplace? Create a poster or postcard or piece of art/embroidery, or buy a mug, tea towel, or jewellery from eden.co.uk or from Keith Jones again.

Is there anything you can do within your groups to help get more of his word into your routines/thoughts?

By His Spirit

What is your growth step in listening to the Holy Spirit more? We are created for relationship, to enjoy God and be enjoyed by Him, is your relationship a bit one sided? Has he got your attention? Some suggestions for growth/points for discussion:

  • Do you wrongly believe that the Holy Spirit either doesn't want to or can't talk to you? Share this with your group if you feel able (or someone you trust on a 1 to 1 basis). Do you need to repent of believing this lie and come into agreement with your Father God that as his child, he DELIGHTS to speak to you?

  • Do you need to change 'how' you spend time with him, (doing less talking and more listening?) Do you need to pause and say 'Jesus what do you want to say to me today?' Work out, and discuss the ways you hear him best, it could be when you're walking, listening to music, being creative or through stillness & quiet. Share your ideas, you may inspire someone else! How can you carve time for listening into your day/week?What do you need to 'throw off' in order to hear the Spirits voice?

  • How about writing down what you hear, (journalling) keep it as a record and encouragement. This can help for mediating, or for the darker days. Does anyone in the group do this, how has this helped?

  • The Holy Spirit can speak to you at any time - have you considered asking him to speak to you while you sleep? Before you close your eyes at night commit your sleep to him and let him know you're listening. Have a notepad by your bed or ready on your phone so that when you wake you can write down anything He may've said to you in your dreams! Share any testimonies of this in the group.

  • Maybe you are someone who already regularly listens to the Spirit, is your growth step obedience? Do you need courage to act on what he says to you, or asks you to do? Maybe an act of kindness or a word of encouragement for someone, or maybe something that needs to be shared with the whole church (email this in, we'd love to hear what Jesus is saying to you). Or go a step further, take time to ask Jesus if he wants to speak to you for someone else or for the church, then act on this.

What action are you going to take so as to give more room for Jesus to infuse your thought life? Share this with each other so you can be accountable going forward.

Through His body

Iron sharpens iron - Proverbs 27:17

Where do you see Jesus in others? Discuss in your groups, who are the (living) Christians that inspire you (preferably people you know, not online people) or encourage you to become more like Jesus? They don't have to be Citygaters. What do you find inspiring about them, how do you want to be more like them?

Action 1: choose and write down the name of someone in Citygate who inspires you to be more like Jesus, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a scripture for them and a word/picture/encouragement for them. Decide to take action in the coming week to communicate this with them somehow; send a card or a letter, record a Whatsapp voice message, buy flowers/chocs/a gift, to drop round to them (if you can do this safely within current COVID restrictions) or have this delivered. Call them to share this encouragement and ask how you can be praying for them. Let them know how they inspire you. If you have time feel free to do this for more than 1 person.

Action 2: choose someone you know who doesn't know Jesus yet and do something similar. What do you see in them that encourages you or that you appreciate, take time to communicate this with them. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word or picture of encouragement for that person, and if appropriate share this with them, ask them how you can pray for them (their response might surprise you).


Pray for one another for the growth steps you need to make either in the word or in the Spirit.

Pray for opportunity & courage to take the 2 action suggestions

Pray for those who don't know Jesus yet to have hearts ready to receive your actions of encouragement.

Follow up every so often to see how you are all getting on with the 3 ways of listening to, and knowing what Jesus wants you to do.


Disciples - Part 2

