Kingdom Multiplication - Vision Sunday
About this talk
This year we want to cultivate more of a kingdom mentality to ‘making disciples’ and impacting our community. God’s kingdom at heart is about the enlargement, spread and multiplication of God’s rule and reign (Luke 13:18-21). We are at the point where we need to multiply every aspect of church life in order to be able to hold the mighty harvest we are believing God is leading us into.
This means creating and having a multiplication mindset so that we can multiply elders, leaders, disciples, life groups, ministries and congregations! Equipping and releasing will become the norm as an entire army of disciples rise up and step into the challenge, with the gifts he has given us being utilised to the full - all for his glory!
Of course a vital component to seeing God’s kingdom multiply, and us to playing our part, is continuing to abide in the king of this kingdom. Being with Jesus, hearing him, being obedient to him and helping others to do the same are all essential! Personal and corporate prayer are keys to this to underpin and fuel our desire to see his kingdom come, every day across the bay.
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We are passionate about making room in our meetings, Life Groups and, most importantly, our own personal lives to lead others into God’s kingdom.
God’s Kingdom is about the spread and multiplication of God’s rule and reign. We are challenged to play our part!
Russ reminds us of how God has been speaking to Citygate about ‘pruning for fruitfulness’ - by continually abiding in him.
We explore the phrase 'pruning for fruitfulness' with biblical and real life stories and how we can expect God to bring greater future fruitfulness for us personally and as a church family.
Our first service of the year reflects on the year just gone. Our elders spend some time talking through their highlights and challenges we've faced as a church this year, as well as speaking to various aspects of our church life.
We look back at this year. This world has gone through some challenging times, but we want to be the hope to restore all that is broken through the Good News.
Tim reminds us that we need others in our lives to help us become more like Jesus - sharing our lives with other believers helps to smooth our 'rough edges'.
The Holy Spirit guides us and speaks to us, convicts us of sin, gives us peace and courage to walk in Jesus ways and become more like him.
If we are followers of Jesus then The Bible is our timeless manual, our guide to life, and Jesus asks us to know what's written inside it and be obedient to it.
We enter 2021 in challenging times due to COVID-19, but are reminded how the church is the hope to restore all that is broken through the Good News.
Our leadership team spend some time looking back on 2020, and discuss what God might want to say to our church. What if he wrote us a letter?
Russ revisits our theme for 2020 - ‘Blessed to Bless’ - and encourages us to continue to be a blessing as we 're-form' church by drawing on Zechariah's phrase of being a church without walls.