Vision Sunday - Restoring the Broken

About this talk

Our overarching vision as a church is to see lives transformed, every day, across the bay. This year our theme to help us focus in on this vision is: 'Restoring the Broken.' This world has gone through some challenging times, but the church is the hope to restore all that is broken through the Good news of Jesus.

Russ looks back at this unique year and encourages us to press on by means of becoming disciples using the relationship groups of Jesus. He talks about the 1, the 3 and the 12 and how each (time with the father, 'DNA' groups and 'Life' groups) will help to bring restoration and transformation first to us and then to those around us! Let's take this moment to get back into Sunday community, hear what God has for us this term and get fuelled up to serve him again.

If you have any questions about this talk, want to find out more about Citygate Church, or want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, please fill in our online Connect form at

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Watch it here

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Questions for Life Groups

The questions below have been created for our Life Groups to facilitate discussion around this talk.

Russ spoke about the following:

  • Jesus + 1 - Mark 1v35

  • Jesus + 3 - Mark 9v2

  • Jesus + 12 - Luke 9v1

  1. Following on from Russell's vision preach, how are you doing spiritually with spending time with God? (ie Father, Son and Holy Spirit) Do you need to change anything?

  2. Do you have someone close (not a spouse) who speaks into your life regularly? If necessary what can you do to put this in place?

  3. Is each of the group in DNA and able to meet consistently? Discuss / share ideas about how this can happen and become regular.

  4. How do you feel about your life group being a mini-mission group, discipling and reaching others to make a difference in our community?


Jesus, Full of the Spirit


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