The Great Commission

About this series

While we regularly encourage people to be engaged in mission and give some ideas about what that could look like, our next series looks at the reasons and motivations for mission.

After the first week - What Is The Good News? - we’re going to spend five Sundays looking at the Why? of the gospel. Why is the gospel such good news? What biblical reasons do we have to engage in mission?

About this talk

For the Christian, obedience to God is duty, logic and delight - as God’s children and servants, it is our duty to obey him, it is logical to obey him (see Romans 12:1) and it is our delight to obey him. So when Jesus says, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18) we have plenty of motivation to obey. 

But the Great Commission must be seen as more than just an instruction, though. It is the logical movement of people who have seen the gospel for themselves and who have understood each of the previous ‘Why?s’ that we’re looking at. 

Why should we engage in mission? Because Jesus has instructed us to go and make disciples of all nations. 

We look into

- Encouraging faith for each person’s part in the Great Commission; all of us are included. 

- What does “Go” look like in your circumstances and your personality? 

- Some encouraging stories of your involvement in obeying the Great Commission 

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