The Glory of God

About this series

While we regularly encourage people to be engaged in mission and give some ideas about what that could look like, our next series looks at the reasons and motivations for mission.

After the first week - What Is The Good News? - we’re going to spend five Sundays looking at the Why? of the gospel. Why is the gospel such good news? What biblical reasons do we have to engage in mission?

About this talk

The famous question from the Westminster Shorter Catechism asks, ‘What is the chief end of man?’ The answer given is, ‘Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.’ It would be fair to say that everything and everyone exists for God’s glory - to proclaim his greatness, to recognise his worth, to live with him as the great treasure in life. 

And it is therefore true that one reason for mission, one ‘Why?’ of the gospel is the glory of God. God’s glory is seen in creation, in his Word and in the church, but it is in the gospel that his glory is supremely seen. And God is greatly glorified when people come to know him and love through the gospel - ‘Our great goal of glorifying God is to be mainly achieved by the winning of souls’ (C. H. Spurgeon). 

Hence this gospel-passage in Philippians 2 ends, “to the glory of God the Father.” Why should we be engaged in mission? Because God is greatly glorified when people turn from sin and trust him.

We look at:

  • What does it mean in practice to glorify God? 

  • How does Jesus most perfectly show us the glory of God (see John 1:14 and elsewhere in John)? 

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Youth Takeover


What is the Good News?