Heaven and Hell

About this series

While we regularly encourage people to be engaged in mission and give some ideas about what that could look like, our next series looks at the reasons and motivations for mission.

After the first week - What Is The Good News? - we’re going to spend five Sundays looking at the Why? of the gospel. Why is the gospel such good news? What biblical reasons do we have to engage in mission?

About this talk

The reality of heaven is glorious beyond our imagining; the reality of hell is ghastly beyond our imagining. Heaven is the glorious reward for all whose sin has been atoned for; hell is the ghastly prospect for all who remain condemned in their sin. 

The future that awaits the believer - a new heaven on a new (or renewed) earth - is the great goal of salvation. While we rightly celebrate the present benefits of salvation, they are a foretaste of all that is yet to come, a deposit of the great inheritance awaiting us. 

The future that awaits the unbeliever - whatever the various evangelical views on hell - is a major reason for the gospel. It is a mission to persuade people not to be condemned eternally because of their guilt, shame and sin. 

Why should we be engaged in mission? Because every individual’s eternal destiny is at stake, either in heaven or in hell. 

We will look at:

  • How can a God of love ‘send’ people to hell? 

  • So how will I enjoy heaven? 

  • What practical effect does belief in hell have on our day-to-day lives? 

If you have any questions about this talk, want to find out more about Citygate Church, or want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, please fill in our online Connect form at citygate.church/connect.

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