About this series

We take an in-depth look at Isaiah 61. We hope that this will be powerful series that looks at the prophecy in its immediate context, then sees it fulfilled in Jesus and finally moves to equipping us as we see Jesus’ mission being continued through His people - yet always being rooted in Him.

About this talk

Scripture: Isaiah 61:8

Whether this is justice for God’s people or justice among God’s people, the justice of God is a core attribute of his. What does God’s love of justice mean in practice in our everyday lives, along with passages such as Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” How do we promote justice and fight injustice?

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Watch it here

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Talk Summary

Questions for Life Groups

The questions below have been created for our Life Groups to facilitate discussion around this talk.

Read together from Isaiah 61, Micah 6:8, Luke 3:10-14, and James 5:1-6

Discuss with your group:

1. Were you aware of the theme of social justice running through the entirety of the bible?

2. As Martin brought this to light on Sunday, how did it impact you, has it changed your view of social justice and how closely it is linked with our mandate to make disciples?

3. Have you been on the receiving end of God's people caring for the poor (poverty can be emotional as well as physical), or speaking out for the oppressed? Share with the group the impact this has had on your life. Are there currently any social action needs represented in your group, can you do anything about these within your group, do you need any external support with this?

4. Going forward, how are you or your group responding to this challenging message? What can we do?

Practical suggestions:

a. Spend some time looking at the Jubilee Plus website together.

b. Get involved with other organisations - have a look at their websites together - does anyone support any of these already or have any links with them?

c. Start locally - look at the ministries page on our website to see the charities/organisations we're involved with (some have been profiled on Sundays recently). Has your group taken any action as yet to get involved or support any of these as a group? What is your next step in this? Set a date to feedback or review this.

d. Leaders, is there anyone in your group working with our Community Hub? You could ask them to share their experiences, talk about what you could do as a group next or how you can pray (If you don't have someone in your group could you as leader invite someone from the Hub to join your zoom meeting or just have a chat with them yourself before your group meet and share what they tell you with your group?)

e. Purchase 'The Call To Act' to read, make a commitment to read it together as a group. Leaders, you could make time for a 10 min catch up each time you meet to talk about what you have read (a mini book club).


Lots to pray about here:

Martin challenged us to allow Holy Spirit to give us God's heart for justice (justice out of merciful love) and spend some time praying for this together.

Ask Holy Spirit if he is provoking you to get more involved with social justice in some way, either individually or as a group.

Pray about what you are going to do as a group or what you are already doing.

Pray for Martin and the work of Jubilee Plus.

Pray for the organisations linked with Citygate; The Community Hub, Transform, Treasure, Safe Families, Bournemouth Foodbank, Teen Challenge, Bournemouth Town Pastors.



