Rebuild, Restore, Renew

About this series

We take an in-depth look at Isaiah 61. We hope that this will be powerful series that looks at the prophecy in its immediate context, then sees it fulfilled in Jesus and finally moves to equipping us as we see Jesus’ mission being continued through His people - yet always being rooted in Him.

About this talk

Scripture: Isaiah 61:4

These verses are a remarkable picture of hope to Israel who had for so long been oppressed, then exiled and now struggling to rebuild. However ruined and devastated things may appear to be, God can rebuild, restore & renew. That goes for churches, individuals and for communities impacted by God’s people as a result of Christ’s life, death, resurrection and ascension.

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Watch it here

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Isaiah 61 series recap talks 1-5

Questions for Life Groups

The questions below have been created for our Life Groups to help discussion around the Isaiah 61 series so far.

Watch Tim's video above and use the questions/suggestions below to aid discussion and growth in your groups. Feel free to shape the conversation according to the needs of your group.

Read together again Isaiah 61 and Luke 4: 14-21

Tim reminds us of 3 'insteads' - (v3) beauty instead of ashes, oil of joy instead of mourning, garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Tim then talks about 3 'stages' we can be encouraged by from this passage.

  • Hope during despair

  • Jesus being the fulfilment of this promise

  • We are part of this message of promise & hope

1. Share as a group where you have seen evidence of these 'insteads' in your own life; where has Jesus already turned things around in your personal story? Also where have you seen him do this in the lives of others you have supported or loved. Where does your life 'display his splendour' v3? Encourage each other by sharing testimonies of all the incredible things God has already done.

2. Encourage those in your group to share the following as appropriate: Are there areas where you are still waiting for this freedom-bringing, transforming power, are there ashes that need replacing with beauty? Or, is there mourning and you are waiting for joy? Where do you need praise to replace despair? Where do you need renewed hope at the moment? No matter how dark or 'hopeless' your situation may seem, what does this passage remind us of? Are you actively choosing 'praise' over despair?

3. What about in the lives of others, where are you in faith, and hoping for these 'insteads' in the lives of those around you, especially those who don't know Jesus yet? (friends, neighbours, colleagues, family etc) Where is Jesus giving you opportunities to bring his beauty, his joy or praise? Where do you touch the community as Tim asked on Sunday, where can you lay your hand to help build? Some in your group may need help to see these areas in their lives, or may need you to talk through ideas or ways they can do things or do more if they have the capacity.

  • Asking Holy Spirit to bring others across your paths who need his beauty or joy.

  • Seeking for, praying about further opportunities to be a blessing with neighbours or colleagues or your local area, (schools, rest homes etc).

  • Getting involved with loving the poor via initiatives like 'The Hub', Safe Families, or Treasure which was mentioned on Sunday.

  • Be a blessing through finances or practical gifts to others in need, both inside and outside the church.

  • You, or others in your group may have other ideas of ways to bring promise and hope to others.

4. If you have time in your online meeting or you want to go deeper as a group here are some more ideas:

  • Make a praise jar/box together: before your meeting ask your group to come prepared with a box or jar or similar container plus paper and pens (of different colours if they wish). During your time together create 31 pieces of paper and write on each one an encouraging scripture or an item of blessing that God has given ypu. Use these 'Gratitude or Hope Jars' during the following month, taking out a piece of paper each day to remind you to praise God or thank him or renew your hope. You can keep adding to your jar as you are reminded of the things for which you are thankful. Alternatively you could make a jar for someone else outside of your group full of things to encourage them each day, these can be tailor made as appropriate.

  • Spend some time praying into a specific area of need from within your group or connected to your group, seeking the prophetic and asking for significant breakthrough. Maybe some in your group could spend some time fasting about this issue (doesn't have to be food, can be anything you can 'give up' for prayer) either before or after your meeting. Petition heaven together to bring breakthrough and change with the 'ashes', the mourning or the despair.


Spend time thanking Jesus for all the beauty and joy you have discussed tonight, put on your garments of praise!

Pray for one another where you need reminding of hope or are still waiting for beauty, or in the areas where you need Holy Spirit help to 'choose joy' and praise instead of despair.

Pray for those you are reaching out to, either as individuals or together, or pray for more opportunities to be a blessing, or seek clarity on what your next step might be in seeing Kingdom beauty, joy or praise come about in the lives of others.




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