About this talk

As Covid allows us to "UNLOCK!" we want to be able to make friends, have fun and build community. We will take each letter of the word "unlock" and be inspired to be God's people that love and care for one another and reach out to those who get invited in.

As this talk accompanies our gift weeks, we also hope to Unlock something of our giving for kingdom advance. Giving breaks cycle of self-trust, and transforms hearts.

Find out more about giving at Citygate.

If you have any questions about this talk, want to find out more about Citygate Church, or want to know more about what it means to be a Christian, please fill in our online Connect form at citygate.church/connect.

Got questions? Alpha is a series of evening sessions exploring the Christian faith. Sign up for Alpha here.

Watch it here

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Care for Your Heart


Don’t Lose Heart