Little Acorns Parents and Toddlers Group

What’s Little Acorns?

Little Acorns is a fun, nurturing and safe environment for parents/carers and their under 3’s. We aim to build a space that would encourage children to grow in their social and emotional skills whilst providing support for parents/carers and enabling them to build community with other parents/carers.

All 0-3 year olds are welcome to come along for singing, crafts, play time…and we include a well earned cuppa for the grown ups!

Who’s it for?

0-3 year olds and their parents/carers.

When and where do they meet?

Thursdays, 3.00-4.30pm, Citygate Southbourne, Admiralty Road, BH6 4BJ

Can I serve?

We are always looking for servers to help with our Kids work. If you'd like to serve in this way please email will be in touch.

You can also find out more about serving at Citygate on our serving page.


Arise Women’s Ministry


Citygate Students