Gifts: Prophecy

About this series:

The kingdom of God is not a static subject, but a dynamic reality. The presence of God and his reign with his people makes an experiential difference and while that should be clear throughout the whole series, this section should especially emphasise that. Martyn Lloyd Jones’ comment about this is helpful: ‘The Christian life after all is a life, it is a power...That is the thing we so constantly tend to forget. It is not just a philosophy, it is not just a point of view, it is not just a teaching that we take up and try to put into practice. It is all that, but something infinitely more.

The topics we’ll cover are (though not necessarily in this order -please see further below):

  1. Power (introduction - the Christian life is a life of power!)

  2. Healing: theology

  3. Healing: practice

  4. Gifts: prophecy

  5. Gifts: speaking in tongues

  6. Salvation

  7. Freedom

  8. Suffering

The reason for including a week on suffering is that, as God said to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). We all know that one of the greatest evidences of God's kingship as displayed in the life of his people is his power that sustains us when we suffer - it's definitely a mark of his reign.

About this talk:

God has spoken to us in his Word, the Bible, which stands true for all time in all places and circumstances. And that Word tells us that God also speaks to us when he gives to people a message to share with us, where personally or collectively. And so we have both the Word of God in the Bible and words from God in prophecy. But what's the difference between the two and how should we go about pursuing prophecy and using it wisely?


Audio only




Gifts: Speaking in Tongues