The Sower

About this series

We start a 6 week series looking at some of the parables of Jesus. Jesus used many parables as he went from town to town teaching to the crowds. He used them for various reasons: as a teaching aid, to fulfil prophecy and as way to reveal spiritual truth about the Kingdom of God to those who were serious about hearing it. Isn’t this what we so need as the crowds and busyness of life return? Truth about God and His never-ending Kingdom. Truly understanding what His Kingdom is like and how we can embrace and live it out in these days.

About this talk

We start this series looking at a well-known parable, often titled ‘The Parable of the Sower’. It’s of this parable that Jesus says to his disciples: “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?” (Mark 4:13). In this parable we see Jesus calling on us to truly hear and understand the truth behind a simple agricultural lesson. Jesus explains the different types of heart responses we can have when hearing God’s Word and shows us that only one type of heart is able to truly bring forth mature fruit - that of the good soil. What then does it mean to be good soil? Why should we seek to be good soil? And how can we become (or remain being) it?

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The Rich Fool


Rejoicing and Mourning