
About this theme

“God loves lost people and he helps us to love them too”

Having found God's love and been saved from our sin and death by Jesus, it's only natural to share this good news with others. His mission to reach humanity with the transforming story of Jesus has now become our mission. We get the adventure of partnering with God the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to show and tell as many people as we can about Jesus. We are motivated by his love for us, wanting to live out our faith as he transforms us and the relationships around us. It's like a beggar showing another beggar where to find food, as we talk of his goodness to friends, co-workers, family and even strangers, as his spirit prompts us. Our time, treasures and talents are now given to extending his kingdom by interceding (praying) for the lost, investing in the lives of others and inviting them to see and hear the bible truth for themselves. In doing so they too can discover true life in a restored relationship with God!

Week 1

This starter question is for a new group that has just formed, it is designed to help you get to know one and other better.

Ask each other: “What is your life story?”

Ask each other questions and pray for each other. 

All other weeks

Section A: Accountability & how are you doing? - 15 minutes

Think back to the ‘Action and Share’ section you went through last session. How did you get on this week with putting into practice what you said last week? Who did you share with?

What has brought you joy and satisfaction recently? What has been challenging you recently?

If you finish a theme and there is no theme to continue onto please keep catching up with your group using this Section A.

Section B: What is God saying through his Word - 40 minutes

Read the Bible passage and use these questions as conversation starters:

  • What are the key truths about a) God, b) you, c) the life God desires for us?

  • What questions do you have about this passage?

Section C: Action and share - 10 minutes

Through this passage, what is God saying you should do / change / stop? “Therefore I will ____”

Think together on how and with whom you could share what you've learned this week.

Bible passages:

  • Week 1 - Matthew 28:16-20 Go and teach the world to obey Jesus.

  • Verses to look at in your own time, Mark 4:1-20 We sow the seeds but God saves the souls.

  • Week 2 - Matthew 9:35-38 The Great commission starts with great compassion.

  • Verses to look at in your own time, Luke 10:1-11 Seek those who will listen, proclaim the kingdom, heal the sick and drive out demons!

  • Week 3 - 2 Corinthians 5:16- 21 The way we live and love represents God to others.

  • Verses to look at in your own time, Luke 10:25-37 We extend God's kingdom by bringing love and justice.

  • Week 4 - Acts 1:1-11 We’re given power from him to witness for him.

  • Verses to look at in your own time, 1 Peter 3:15 Prepare and rehearse your 'God' stories as hope to others.

  • Week 5 - John 4:1-42 Jesus reaches out to those ready to hear.

  • Verses to look at in your own time, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Reaching out shapes our priorities and relationships.



