
About this theme

"Isolation to Community. Made in the image of God, I was designed to live in community"

God has always existed in perfect community - as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and when he created us in his image he made us to be communal beings. Though our tendency may at times be to function in isolation - fearing relationship, interdependence and vulnerability - there is only one way to truly be a follower of Jesus: in community. So many of the New Testament's commands are focussed on how we relate to people - loving others because of the love and life of God in us. Being in relationship with other followers of Jesus helps to sharpen our faith, gives us opportunities to love as he did and provokes us to greater steps of faith as we see how others are following him.

Week 1

This starter question is for a new group that has just formed, it is designed to help you get to know one and other better.

Ask each other: “What is your life story?”

Ask each other questions and pray for each other. 

All other weeks

Section A: Accountability & how are you doing? - 15 minutes

Think back to the ‘Action and Share’ section you went through last session. How did you get on this week with putting into practice what you said last week? Who did you share with?

What has brought you joy and satisfaction recently? What has been challenging you recently?

If you finish a theme and there is no theme to continue onto please keep catching up with your group using this Section A.

Section B: What is God saying through his Word - 40 minutes

Read the Bible passage and use these questions as conversation starters:

  • What are the key truths about a) God, b) you, c) the life God desires for us?

  • What questions do you have about this passage?

Section C: Action and share - 10 minutes

Through this passage, what is God saying you should do / change / stop? “Therefore I will ____”

Think together on how and with whom you could share what you've learned this week.

Bible passages:

Week 1 - 1John 3:16-18 Loving Jesus means loving one another sacrificially.

  • Home - 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 Though different, we who are many become one body in Christ.

Week 2 - Acts 2:41-47 Doing life together + Bible = healthy community.

  • Home - Acts 4:32-35 A generous community is attractive to all, especially those who are in need.

Week 3 - Philippians 2:3-8 Jesus' sacrifice sets the relationship standard.

  • Home - John 13:34-35 By our love for one another, people will see we follow Jesus.

Week 4 - Hebrews 10:19-25 We need other believers to help us finish the race.

  • Home - Ephesians 4:20-32 As one family we live like Jesus.

Week 5 - Romans 12:9-21 Obedience is seen in the way we relate to others with love.



