2025: Growing Together as Kingdom Disciples

We’re going into a year with a focus on spiritual formation so that we can continue to be Kingdom Disciples.

As a church community, we have been on an incredible journey over the past few years, embracing a prophetic direction to truly become Kingdom People.

2023: Kingdom Multiplication

In 2023, we focused on Kingdom Multiplication, and with great faith, we took a step forward by expanding to multiple Sunday meetings at our Bournemouth site. It was heartening to see so many rally behind what God is doing among us, stepping up to serve across various teams with passion and dedication.

2024: Kingdom Moments

In 2024, we leaned into Kingdom Moments, embracing our prayer-care-share framework to help others encounter the profound love of God through our lives. These moments have been sacred, as we have seen how the love of God has touched and transformed hearts.

2025: A Focus on Discipleship

Looking ahead to 2025, we are turning our focus on discipleship—a cornerstone in embedding the mission of the church. Discipleship is about being an apprentice to Jesus. It is not just an activity; it’s the very essence of our journey with Him.

Celebrating Growth and Impact

In the last three years alone, we have witnessed a remarkable increase of 39% in attendance at Citygate, welcomed 186 new members into our family, and now joyfully represent 37 nations across our congregation.

In the past year, we celebrated as 47 people responded to God’s call and made commitments to Christ, and we rejoiced as we baptised 26 people in 2024. Our Alpha course saw a wonderful response, with 58 people attending it across 2 courses, and from that, 10 moved on to our Discovery groups—a step that deepens their understanding of who God is and sets them on the path to becoming lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.

Cultivating Rhythms

Whether we’ve recently become a Christian or been a Jesus-loving follower for decades, becoming a faithful disciple involves cultivating regular rhythms in our lives that form the heartbeat of our walk with God. Engaging in these practices helps us stay present with Jesus, be continually filled with the Holy Spirit, and transforms us from the inside out.

Discipleship in Community

Yet, discipleship was never meant to be a solitary journey. It’s a communal walk where we support, challenge, and encourage each other to grow in our faith.

Living the Kingdom Now

Our discipleship journey is rooted in the reality that the Kingdom of God is here and now, and we are invited to participate in its unfolding. By committing ourselves to this, we not only experience personal transformation but also contribute to the renewal of our world, living as people of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Life Groups and Spiritual Growth

Life groups are a vital way we grow spiritually as we sharpen each other in community. As we enter 2025, we might put on a couple of courses each term that you could hop out of your life group and sign up to—like a Freedom in Christ/Inner healing type of course, or a marriage or parenting course. Alternatively, you could form a group of 3 or 4 who hold each other in an accountable relationship and help each other grow in your Christian practice, or you could be invited onto a leadership development cohort.

A Call to Commitment

Whatever you choose, I encourage you to prioritise it, commit to it fully, and watch how it shapes your life and transforms your thinking as you continue your journey as a lifelong apprentice of Jesus.


Growing in Worship: Ellen’s Internship Experience


Own your belonging! Get stuck into a Life Group in 2025